Solid Green Rug
Solid Green Rug

Solid green rug

€360.36 €0.00
€327.60 Ex. GST
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Bring some bright colour to your classroom floor and make story time the best time of the day!

The perfect accessory to any classroom, library or learning centre and can be used in a wide variety of ways including games, reading time or defining a zone or rally point.

Made from tough wearing polyester, stain resistant loop carpet.

We recommend the use of a non slip underlay to extend the life of your rug and protect from any slippage or buckling.

Rug measures 3m x 2m, 6m2 of seating area - enough space for up to 24 students!

Note regarding colour: Our products have been photographed in a studio under professional lighting. If you combine this with the differences in how various screens display colour, please be aware that the actual colour of our products may vary slightly from what you see on our website.

Opening Instructions 

myrtlebeachlasershows suggests you vacuum the rug shortly after opening to remove and dust from transit. 

Freight Charges
  • A flat rate shipping and handling charge of €9.00 Ex. GST applies to all orders (excluding bulky and oversized items).
  • Please note we do not ship internationally.
  • Selected items will incur heavy or oversize fee. This fee is set at a maximum of $100 Ex. GST regardless of the number of heavy or oversize items in your cart.
  • Please note we do not ship to PO Boxes, Parcel Lockers or Private/Locked Bags.

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